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This is a mission statement about this logo which God gave to my wife in a vision one night. The God of our Lord Jesus Christ also instructed us to fight for the right to ban abortion, even though the government, the world and Planned Parenthood are all against this LAW of LIFE (Jerimiah 1:5).

An unborn child in the womb cannot fight for it’s life, so God has appointed/ ordained/ chosen and directed my wife and I to not only fight, but to battle and exercise whatever means necessary (within the laws of the United States of America) to take up the fight against abortion. The proper word for abortion is murder. The proper word for research is dismemberment. I ask all those who are willing and able to join me in this battle, because if you (WE) don’t stand for something, you (WE) will die for nothing and fall for anything.

We will take all proceeds from this product and put it towards the fight against abortion, to help women who have suffered emotional trauma due to having abortions and also help other women who may be thinking about an abortion but do not have the support financially or morally to bring a child in this world. 

We will also provide counseling, Direction and teaching to any and all women who are having difficulty with emotional trauma from past mistakes. We emphasize the God has forgiven us all, as in past tense. Everybody (MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD) is forgiven for all sin’s past, present and future. It is not about what you do as far as your actions that will get You (US) into Heaven. It matters what you believe. So if you believe Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and you put your trust in him as your lord and savior you will be saved and have YOUR PLACE in Heaven. It is a law like gravity it works in your favor or works against you. In conclusion, WHAT you (WE) believe determines OUR thinking, in which our actions will follow.

When you donate and/or purchase these T-shirts, you are not only being a apart of saving the lives of children, you are changing things in the natural world and fortifying your position in Heaven. You will enter heaven as: Good and Faithful Servant. His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord'” (Matthew 25:16-23.

May God Bless you 1000 fold, (Deuteronomy  1:11)

James and Karen Zales

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